i'm using the Liip Cache Control bundle to handle the caching in my project. By using this bundle you can configure the caching like this:
- { path: /admin, controls: { private: true}, vary: [Accept-Encoding] }
- { path: ^/_internal, controls: {private: true, max_age: 0}}
- { path: ^/([^/]*)/live/time(.*), controls: { public: true, max_age: 1, s_maxage: 1 }, vary: [Accept-Encoding,Cookie] }
Now every esi (internal) route is not cached. But i now i want one internal request to be cached. Any idea how i can configure this? I cannot find which route is actually used to execute this request.
kind regards,
All ESI calls are handled via an _internal route (example from Using ESI in Symfony2):
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/routing/internal.xml"
prefix: /_internal
Documentation for LiipCacheControlBundle mentions how to generate internal routes:
When using ESI, [...] To generate the corresponding _internal route, inject the http_kernel into your controller and use HttpKernel::generateInternalUri with the parameters as in the twig render tag.
Have you tried adding appropriate rule to your liip_cache_control list? I suppose it should start with "/_internal" (try using generateInternalUri to see what's actually generated).