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Unit testing Spring @Around AOP methods

I can unit test most of my Spring classes without needing to do Spring "stuff".

I can unit test @Before advice methods without using Spring too:

Example code:

@Before("execution(* run(..)) && " + "" +
          "target(target) && " +
public void logName(Object target, String name) {"{} - run: {}", target, name);

Example test:

public void testLogName() {
    assertTrue(mockLogger.hasLogged("TestAspect - run: Barry"));

However @Around advice deals with a ProceedingJoinPoint object:

public Object doBasicProfiling(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
   // start stopwatch
   Object retVal = pjp.proceed();
   // stop stopwatch
   return retVal;

I don't know how to instantiate a ProceedingJoinPoint object. How do I test this class without starting a whole Spring application context?


  • You can test a Spring Aspect by creating a proxy programatically:

    MyInterface target = new MyClass();
    AspectJProxyFactory factory = new AspectJProxyFactory(target);
    MyAspect aspect = new MyAspect(arg);
    MyInterface proxy = factory.getProxy();

    ... then you can call methods on proxy, and make assertions about aspect, proxy and target.