My goal is to show a splash screen on my applications startup. Right now what it will do is briefly show the actionbar with an otherwise blank page, then jump to the splash screen. I'm trying to figure out how to not show the beginning screen and just start with the splash screen. I'm trying to use these links for information on how to solve this.
ActionBar Lag in hiding title In this one I'm assuming I can use the same type of method for hiding the actionbar by changing the theme, but I don't know what I would actually use as my style to do so.
How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again? and here it talks about adding a line to the manifest that would do it. Where in the manifest? Anywhere I put it did not do anything.
try this in manifest file
android:label="your label"
android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar.Fullscreen" >