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How can I use GroupLayout to build a form?

What is the easiest way to build a form in Java using GroupLayout? With form, I mean something that has text fields with a label in front. Something like this:

Form screenshot


  • Using Group Layout, you can do the following:

    package foo;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ChangeIpSettingsDialog extends JDialog
    public ChangeIpSettingsDialog( Frame owner )
        super( owner, true );
        setContentPane( createContent() );
    private Container createContent()
        JPanel result = new JPanel();
        result.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 10, 10, 10, 10 ) );
        // Create the layout
        GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout( result );
        result.setLayout( layout );
        layout.setAutoCreateGaps( true );
        // Create the components we will put in the form
        JLabel ipAddressLabel = new JLabel( "IP Address:" );
        JTextField ipAddressTextField = new JTextField( 20 );
        JLabel subnetLabel = new JLabel( "Subnet:" );
        JTextField subnetTextField = new JTextField( 20 );
        JLabel gatewayLabel = new JLabel( "Gateway:" );
        JTextField gatewayTextField = new JTextField( 20 );
        // Horizontally, we want to align the labels and the text fields
        // along the left (LEADING) edge
        layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout.createSequentialGroup()
                                           .addGroup( layout.createParallelGroup( GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING )
                                                              .addComponent( ipAddressLabel )
                                                              .addComponent( subnetLabel )
                                                              .addComponent( gatewayLabel ) )
                                           .addGroup( layout.createParallelGroup( GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING )
                                                              .addComponent( ipAddressTextField )
                                                              .addComponent( subnetTextField )
                                                              .addComponent( gatewayTextField ) )
        // Vertically, we want to align each label with his textfield
        // on the baseline of the components
        layout.setVerticalGroup( layout.createSequentialGroup()
                                         .addGroup( layout.createParallelGroup( GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE )
                                                            .addComponent( ipAddressLabel )
                                                            .addComponent( ipAddressTextField ) )
                                         .addGroup( layout.createParallelGroup( GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE )
                                                            .addComponent( subnetLabel )
                                                            .addComponent( subnetTextField ) )
                                         .addGroup( layout.createParallelGroup( GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE )
                                                            .addComponent( gatewayLabel )
                                                            .addComponent( gatewayTextField ) )
        return result;
    public static void main( String[] args )
        ChangeIpSettingsDialog dialog = new ChangeIpSettingsDialog( null );
        dialog.setVisible( true );