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Sharepoint drop down list doesn't display properly for more than 20 items with Internet Explorer

I had this problem on my three sharepoint sites and i manage to resolve this problem by modifying CSS code (cf on two of them.

I don't know why this doesn't work on my third one which has same updates, same CSS and same html code... I tried several solutions such as adding indesign="true"(this can't be use because the lists got more than 75 columns). cf

The only solutions i found required javascript but i don't really want to use it...

If someone have another solution to propose, i would really appreciate.

EDIT: Thanks to moontear i found something quite great. I replace the beginning of the script by : $(document).ready(function () {


// Main Function
function OverrideDropDownList(columnName) {

By this way, i just have to include the script and don't care about what columns got problems...


  • This script seems to be quite great to solve this problem... Thank you moontear for your comment The original script come from :

    $(document).ready(function () {
    // Main Function
    function OverrideDropDownList(columnName) {
    // Construct a drop down list object
    var lookupDDL = new DropDownList(columnName);
    // Do this only in complex mode...
    if (lookupDDL.Type == "C") {
    // Hide the text box and drop down arrow
    lookupDDL.Obj.css('display', 'none');"img").css('display', 'none');
    // Construct the simple drop down field with change trigger
    var tempDDLName = "tempDDLName_" + columnName;
    if (lookupDDL.Obj.parent().find("select[ID='" + tempDDLName + "']").length == 0) {
    lookupDDL.Obj.parent().append("<select name='" + tempDDLName + "' id='" + tempDDLName + "' title='" + tempDDLName + "'></select>");
    lookupDDL.Obj.parent().find("select[ID='" + tempDDLName + "']").bind("change", function () {
    updateOriginalField(columnName, tempDDLName);
    // Get all the options
    var splittedChoices = lookupDDL.Obj.attr('choices').split("|");
    // get selected value
    var hiddenVal = $('input[name=' + lookupDDL.Obj.attr("optHid") + ']').val();
    if (hiddenVal == "0") {
    hiddenVal = lookupDDL.Obj.attr("value")
    // Replacing the drop down object with the simple drop down list
    lookupDDL = new DropDownList(tempDDLName);
    // Populate the drop down list
    for (var i = 0; i < splittedChoices.length; i++) {
    var optionVal = splittedChoices[i];
    var optionId = splittedChoices[i];
    var selected = (optionId == hiddenVal) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
    lookupDDL.Obj.append("<option" + selected + " value='" + optionId + "'>" + optionVal + "</option>");
    // method to update the original and hidden field.
    function updateOriginalField(child, temp) {
    var childSelect = new DropDownList(child);
    var tempSelect = new DropDownList(temp);
    // Set the text box
    childSelect.Obj.attr("value", tempSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val());
    // Get Hidden ID
    var hiddenId = childSelect.Obj.attr("optHid");
    // Update the hidden variable
    $('input[name=' + hiddenId + ']').val(tempSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val());
    // just to construct a drop down box object. Idea token from SPServces
    function DropDownList(colName) {
    // Simple - when they are less than 20 items
    if ((this.Obj = $("select[Title='" + colName + "']")).html() != null) {
    this.Type = "S";
    // Compound - when they are more than 20 items
    } else if ((this.Obj = $("input[Title='" + colName + "']")).html() != null) {
    this.Type = "C";
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on English and most other languages sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
    } else if ((this.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title^='" + colName + " ']")).html() != null) {
    this.Type = "M";
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a Russian site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like '????????? ????????: Column Name'
    } else if ((this.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$=': " + colName + "']")).html() != null) {
    this.Type = "M";
    } else
    this.Type = null;
    } // End of function dropdownCtl