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Binding MedialElement from the view (xaml) to a ViewModel's property

I'm trying to make a binding of a medialElement from MainView.xaml to a ViewModel's proprety. in MainViewModel.cs we would find

#region Media
private MediaElement media;
    public MediaElement Media
            return media;
            if (value == media)
            media = value;

I would like to know what to put in the MainView.xaml to do the binding.

I know that if it were a TextBox I would write

`<TextBox Text="{Binding BGToSet, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" />`

But what should i do for MediaElement ? i now do this :

`<MediaElement  VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="700" LoadedBehavior="Manual" Height="450" Stretch="Fill"  MediaOpened="{ Binding mediaMediaOpenedCommand}" >

` Thanks a lot for your answer !! Sorry for my english. i'm also new in WPF


  • You should either expose Uri of media source you want to show instead of MediaElement:

    public Uri MediaSource { get { /* ... */ } set { /* ... */ } }
    <MediaElement Source="{Binding MediaSource}" />

    or use ContentControl (or ContentPresenter) to show MediaElement itself:

    <ContentControl Content="{Binding Media}" />