(This question is partly related to Why does it take so long for Android's MediaPlayer to prepare some live streams for playback?)
I tried to play the following audio stream on different devices with android MediaPlayer: http://newsstream1.publicradio.org.
I finally noticed there is a huge difference of duration for the prepare() method between devices <= 2.2 (it takes less than 1 second) and devices > 2.2 (it can take up to 30 seconds...)
Is it related to the underlying audio framework ? (OpenCore VS StageFright)
Has someone already experienced it ? And do you know any better solution to read mp3 streams with StageFright media player ?
Well, after digging around I come up to the conclusion that the loading time depends on the buffer size of the MediaPlayer (which is somehow hardcoded in the firmware) and that there is nothing that can be done to change it.