I just installed almost all libraries of openimaj instruction wise from the site: http://sourceforge.net/p/openimaj/wiki/OpenIMAJ%20From%20Source/ libraries are installed and working. I just need a sample code to capture video from webcam and save it to hard disk. For example:
This is the code to turn on the camera and show you video:
import org.openimaj.image.MBFImage;
import org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay;
import org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayListener;
import org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture;
public class VideoDemo {
VideoCapture vc = new VideoCapture( 320, 240 );
VideoDisplay<MBFImage> vd = VideoDisplay.createVideoDisplay( vc );
How do I save [vd] on disk?
You need to use the XuggleVideoWriter class. The following code displays the video content on the screen and writes the content to a file until the escape key is pressed. The format of the video is controlled by the name of the file (i.e. "video.flv" creates an FLV format video).
package org.openimaj.demos.sandbox;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.openimaj.image.MBFImage;
import org.openimaj.video.Video;
import org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay;
import org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayListener;
import org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture;
import org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter;
* Record the webcam to a file.
* @author Jonathon Hare (jsh2@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
public class VideoRecorder extends KeyAdapter implements VideoDisplayListener<MBFImage> {
private Video<MBFImage> video;
private VideoDisplay<MBFImage> display;
private XuggleVideoWriter writer;
private boolean close = false;
* Default constructor
* @throws IOException
public VideoRecorder() throws IOException {
//open webcam
video = new VideoCapture(320, 240);
//open display
display = VideoDisplay.createVideoDisplay(video);
//open a writer
writer = new XuggleVideoWriter("video.flv", video.getWidth(), video.getHeight(), 30);
//set this class to listen to video display events
//set this class to listen to keyboard events
public void afterUpdate(VideoDisplay<MBFImage> display) {
//Do nothing
public void beforeUpdate(MBFImage frame) {
//write a frame
if (!close) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent key) {
//wait for the escape key to be pressed
close = key.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE;
* Main method
* @param args ignored
* @throws IOException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new VideoRecorder();