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how to reapply knockout binding

Currently I have a knockout binding that stripes rows in a list which works fine

ko.bindingHandlers.stripe = {
    update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
        var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); //creates the dependency
        var allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
        var even = allBindings.evenClass;
        var odd = allBindings.oddClass;

        //update odd rows
        //update even rows
        $(element).children(":nth-child(even)").addClass(even).removeClass(odd); ;

Triggered from

<button data-bind="click: addWidget" style="display:none">Add Item</button>

The problem I have is when reloading data from the server , I call addWidget() manually in the view model the stripe binding handler is not applied - all rows appear as same color, if I click the html button then the binding happens and stripes appear

var ViewModel = function() {



Is it possible to reapply this custom binding manually in js?



The stripe binding gets applied like so

<div data-bind="foreach: widgets, stripe: widgets, evenClass: 'light', oddClass: 'dark'">


  • Could you not just use CSS for this? Something like:

    div.widget:nth-child(2n) { background: grey; }

    Then each row would update regardless of how it got added.