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Comparison of embedded operating systems?

I've been involved in embedded operating systems of one flavor or another, and have generally had to work with whatever the legacy system had. Now I have the chance to start from scratch on a new embedded project.

The primary constraints on the system are:

  • It needs a web-based interface.
  • Inputs are required to be processed in real-time (so a true RTOS is needed).
  • The memory available is 32MB of RAM and FLASH.

The operating systems that the team has used previously are VxWorks, ThreadX, uCos, pSOS, and Windows CE.

Does anyone have a comparison or trade study regarding operating system choice?

Are there any other operating systems that we should consider? (We've had eCos and RT-Linux suggested).

Edit - Thanks for all the responses to date. A pity I can't flag all as "accepted".


  • It all depends on how much time was allocated for your team has to learn a "new" RTOS.
    Are there any reasons you don't want to use something that people already have experience with?

    I have plenty of experience with vxWorks and I like it, but disregard my opinion as I work for WindRiver.

    uC/OS II has the advantage of being fully documented (as in the source code is actually explained) in Labrosse's Book. Don't know about Web Support though.

    I know pSos is no longer available.

    You can also take a look at this list of RTOSes