While running one of my programs, I need to scan through a rather large matrix (100*700) to identify irregularities.
My initial idea was to have a breakpoint in place when I need to do a data scan, but I'm not a fan of that solution.
What I'm looking for would be equivalent to calling openvar('A')
during a function call (except I can't presently do that). The alternative, disp
renders the matrix poorly.
Any hints?
A sample example of what I'm trying to do:
function main
time = 0:pi/100:4*pi;
inV = (1:100)';
data = 10*diag(rand(100,1))*sin((inV)*time);
error = ceil(350*rand); % find the anolmaly
data( ceil(100*rand),error:(error+20))= -13;
test = true;
while test
close all;
hold on;
test= (input(strcat('Further review? ')));
if (test)
data(test,:) = [];
If I used a breakpoint, I could scan through the data knowing that -13
is wreaking havoc on it (-13
is some random number I used, in reality, it's far more complicated). However breakpoints only exist during the current Matlab session.
I'm using Matlab 2012a
Ok so what I'm looking for is
t = uitable;
nice and simple