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How do I access variable's value in perl where I have multiple variables with its value and ends with ;

I have a txt file like this
$CHUNK_QTY = "50000";
$CLIENT = "hi all";
$COPY_BASE = "01";
$DPI = "300";
$DUPLEX = "N";
$Dialogue_Version = "V7R0M624";
$EMAIL_ON = "N";

I have many variables up to 500. I would like to access value for corresponding variable. For example if I want to access $DPI it should print 300 . How do I do that in perl. Any help will be appreciated. I would like something different than regex.



  • Here's a quick example showing how to take lines in the format that you gave above and put them into a hash:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl    
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my %vars;
    while (my $line = <DATA>) {
      chomp $line;          # remove linebreak
      $line =~ s/^\$//;     # Optional: remove $ from start of variable name
      my ($key, $value) = $line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/;
      $value =~ s/;$//;     # Remove trailing semicolon
      $value =~ s/^"//;     # Remove leading double-quotes
      $value =~ s/"$//;     # Remove trailing double-quotes
      $vars{$key} = $value;
    for my $key (sort keys %vars) {
      print "$key has value $vars{$key}\n";
    print "CLIENT says $vars{CLIENT}\n";
    $CHUNK_QTY = "50000";
    $CLIENT = "hi all";
    $COPY_BASE = "01";
    $CSITE = "NSH";
    $DATA_TYPE = "MET";
    $DISABLE = "N";
    $DPI = "300";
    $DP_BAR_START = "A";
    $DP_BAR_STOP = "Z";
    $DUPLEX = "N";
    $Dialogue_Version = "V7R0M624";
    $EMAIL_ERROR = "Y";
    $EMAIL_ON = "N";

    There should be enough here to get you started, but you'll need to read up on how to open an actual file (instead of using the __DATA__ section as I did here) for yourself. I recommend checking perldoc open for examples and full details.