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On Firefox, my embedded Youtube videos don't display properly

I've embedded some YouTube videos in my fansite I'm developing. However, when you scroll through the webpage in Firefox, the divs and headers overlap the videos for some reason. Frankly, it just goes nuts. I opened the Error Console (although I really have no idea what to do with it) and it keeps giving me a JavaScript error. Is this what could cause it? In case someone else wants to see what I mean, view my website in FireFox. The URL is

The first picture is what it's supposed to look like, the second is what happens when you start scrolling.

I can't post images directly, so go here to view the images..

What it looks like normally

What happens when you start scrolling


  • I looked at the site and got this JavaScript error:

    Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.

    If that doesn't make anything jump out at you it is also possible that it has to do with your OS or browser, have you tried it on different systems or tried similar sites with you system?

    Good luck!