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RETS or not RETS

We want to build a MLS application. We want to use a real MLS service as data source. What will be a better solution: using RETS directly or use a 3rd party data service to pull MLS data for us then query them for data? PS: If we want to use RETS directly, are there like sandbox services we can test our client application?


  • I created a website with the MLS LIsting and the PointtoAgent listing, We create a Cronjob to run every night, to take some XML file from the MLS listing and P2A, convert them from XML to MySQL, save it, remove dupicates and update status. I think that a cronjob is a good solution because you can keep updated your site. Be aware to create a good design because your DB will change constantly. Contact to MLS support they have documentation to connect and pull the XML file from your listing.