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Mac zip compress without __MACOSX folder?

When I compress files with the built in zip compressor in Mac OSX, it causes an extra folder titled "__MACOSX" to be created in the extracted zip.

Can I adjust my settings to keep this folder from being created or do I need to purchase a third party compression tool?

UPDATE: I just found a freeware app for OSX that solves my problem: "YemuZip"

UPDATE 2: YemuZip is no longer freeware.


  • When I had this problem I've done it from command line:

    zip uncompressed

    EDIT, after many downvotes: I was using this option for some time ago and I don't know where I learnt it, so I can't give you a better explanation. Chris Johnson's answer is correct, but I won't delete mine. As one comment says, it's more accurate to what OP is asking, as it compress without those files, instead of removing them from a compressed file. I find it easier to remember, too.