I have a windows application. I am using axwindowsmediaplayer which is in AxInterop.WMPLib dll.I dont have any problem about playing the videos, but I want to fire an event when the user goes to a specific time by clicking on media player . I looked in the dll files but i couldnt find such an event. Can anyone help me about how can i fire an event when user goes to another time on video ?
How about the PositionChange event?
A short example:
public Form1()
// ...
axWindowsMediaPlayer1.PositionChange += axWindowsMediaPlayer1_PositionChange;
void axWindowsMediaPlayer1_PositionChange(object sender, AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PositionChangeEvent e)
MessageBox.Show("The user changed the position from " + e.oldPosition + " to " + e.newPosition);