I have a run mode in my CGI::Application web-app that I would like to be able to trigger from the command line so i can automate it. From the web-app's perspective it does some processing then sends the results in an email.
When called from the web interface it passes in a set of parameters (email address, which query to run, date, etc) so these need to be passed in.
How can I construct a call to the CGI::Application app that will be the same as if I ran it from the web?
Upon further digging through the CGI::App and the CGI documentation, it appeared to be more straightforward than I thought. The simplest case (no real argument handling or dealing with the output from the webapp run call) is:
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use WebApp;
my $cgi = new CGI( \%{@ARGV} );
my $webapp = WebApp->new( QUERY => $cgi );
It just takes a series of space separated name value pairs to create the CGI. You need to pass in the run mode and all the arguments.