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Register null as instance in Unity container

I have a repository class with optional dependency:

class MyRepository : BaseRepository, IMyRepository
    public MyRepository(IDataContext dataContext, ICacheProvider cacheProvider = null)
        : base(dataContext, cacheProvider)

    // …

The existence of cacheProvider parameter acts as strategy for the repository. I want setup Unity container like this:

Container.RegisterType<IDataContext, MyDataContext>(new PerResolveLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor())
         .RegisterInstance<ICacheProvider>(null) // ???
         .RegisterType<IMyRepository, MyRepository>();

I.e. not pointing out particular InjectionConstructor with one parameter for MyRepository, but use default constructor with null as cacheProvider parameter.

Is there any way to do this?


  • In the .RegisterType<IMyRepository, MyRepository>() call, specify the InjectionConstructor with an OptionalParameter, as in

    .RegisterType<IMyRepository, MyRepository>(new InjectionConstructor(
    new ResolvedParameter<IDataContext>(), 
    new OptionalParameter<ICacheProvider>()));