I'm trying to see if we can customize ScrewTurnWiki to fit into our site, so
instead of the traditional Page.ashx or Default.aspx?page=abc
the wiki pages will be site/section1/page/Wiki site/section2/category2/Wiki site/sectionXX/categoryYY/PageZZ/Wiki
where the pageName for each becomes Section1/page Section2/Category2 SectionXX/CategoryYY/PageZZ
From what i can understand this should be possible with 1) Creating a new storage provider which gets the pages based on the new page name 2) setting up so that the new storage provider is used by default
The code is ready but to test it i need to setup the config to take the new storage provider by default - where should this config go ? Note - i'd prefer to have it comeup with the new custom storage provider rather than goto the regular admin screen ( there's none here ) and configure it from there ! )
worked out the custom storage provider bit derived from the relevant class in pluginpack update the global.asax and add/initialize the new provider there