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Button ClickListener is not working in LibGDX game

I am developing an Android game using LibGDX. There are 4 buttons in a menu screen, but the ClickListener of these buttons is not working.

// retrieve the custom skin for our 2D widgets
Skin skin = super.getSkin();

// create the table actor and add it to the stage
table = new Table( skin );
table.width = stage.width();
table.height = stage.height();
stage.addActor( table );

// retrieve the table's layout
TableLayout layout = table.getTableLayout();

// register the button "start game"
TextButton startGameButton = new TextButton( "Start game", skin );
startGameButton.addListener( new ClickListener() {
    public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
        // game.getSoundManager().play( TyrianSound.CLICK );
        game.setScreen( new GameScreen(game) );
} );

layout.register( "startGameButton", startGameButton );

How to activate the ClickListener of a button in LibGDX?


  • You have to add the button to the stage and call
