I am trying to create an informational Activity, which displays a location on google's MapView among other things. Whenever I navigate through this MapActivity, then click the back button, I get the following error:
"... Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You are only allowed to have a single MapView in a MapActivity..."
Things you should know! :
onResume calls my setUpDisplay which initializes my MapView in a LinearLayout:
List<Address> geoResults = geocoder.getFromLocationName(formalAddress, 1);
while (geoResults.size()==0)
geoResults = geocoder.getFromLocationName("empire state building", 1);
if (geoResults.size()>0)
point= new GeoPoint( (int) (geoResults.get(0).getLatitude() * 1E6), (int) (geoResults.get(0).getLongitude() * 1E6));
mapView = new MapView(this, "YOU-NO-GET-TO-SEE-MY-KEY-HERE!");
MapController mapController = mapView.getController();
I also make sure to call myMainLinearLayout.removeAllViews() on my overrided onPause(), as well as setting variables to null, just to make sure all things are getting cleaned up.
I have also tried to see if, before the mapView initialization, mapView == null -- It Never Is. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance. -Ethan
Here is what I'm doing in my onPause method, in my MapActivity
public void onPause()
myMainLinearLayout= null;
mapView = null;
that's the only method I am overriding besides onResume()
This post should help:
You are only allowed to have a single MapView in a MapActivity
Summary: Do not destroy your previous MapView. Instantiate it once in onCreate, and modify it whenever you need to directly.