I have submitted the game on Facebook (Ostrich Island), App center page says: "App Detail Page Status: Live Your app detail page is now live and will appear in Search."
BUT, I cannot even send the game link to my friend. When she receives it the message says the link was removed. I have tried the different links:
http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=477037362322781 http://www.facebook.com/appcenter/ostrichisland
All of them works for me, but not for anybody else. Game Community page also shows Play Game button only for me.
Did I miss something?
Your app's ID returns 'false' when accessed at https://graph.facebook.com/477037362322781
I'm almost sure, assuming you haven't deleted the app, that it's in sandbox mode
Check the 'Advanced' tab of settings, 3rd item: