I am working on python plugins.I used PYQT4 designer for the forms. I am listing my query result into QTreeWidget as shown below:
items = []
for row in c.fetchall():
item = QTreeWidgetItem()
item.setText(0,unicode (row[0]))
self.treeWidget.insertTopLevelItems(0, items)
Items are listed perfectly into the QTreeWidget.
But i wanted to make some items as parent like: EX:
-7 and so on...
How do i set any item as parent (root) of other items.??? I tried
self.treeWidget.__init__ (self,valestimate,items, int type = self.treeWidget.Type)
but no success.How do i set parent in QTreeWidget??.
Use parentItem.addChild(childItem)
(see the QTreeWidgetItem documentation)