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Current Universal time in classic asp

How can I get the current time as Universal time in classic asp. I know how to get in C# and I am getting the universal time in c# with following line ((DateTime.Now).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("s") and this code gives me time like this 2012-07-09T10:29:49

But I want to know the equivalent in classic asp. Thanks


  • According to, there isn't any built-in way in VBScript to convert to UTC.

    Take a look at the code the author provided below which uses JScript, and how you can call this from VBScript.

    The GetServerGMT routine will return something like: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 15:21:59 UTC.

    Function GetServerGMT()
        // Use JScript to get the current GMT time stamp and store it in Session("ServerGMT")
        Server.Execute "GetServerGMT.asp"
        GetServerGMT = Session("ServerGMT")
    End Function 

    And this is how the GetServerGMT.asp file with the jscript code looks like:

        var od = new Date();
        var nd = od.toUTCString();
        Session("ServerGMT") = nd;

    There are other jscript methods that you can use as well.