I'm new to maven, and found myself stuck with something which is really bothering me.
I have a multi-module project, and my parent pom.xml contains the following plugin:
This code generates a version.info file and places them in each of my module jar files. I was wondering if it's possible to make this code create the version.info file for only 2 modules out of the 3.
For example if I have modules: A, B and C. I would like the version.info file to be in A and B but not in C. I hope I explained myself well enough, in case not please let me know.
Thanks in advance, Meny
Best solution would be moving this plugin configuration to the project/build/pluginManagement element of the parent pom:
and call it at project/build/plugins in module poms:
if such refactoring of parent pom is not allowed then override plugin configuration with skip set into true or use the none phase to disable unwanted plugin calls: http://thomaswabner.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/howto-disable-inherited-maven-plugin/