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How to solve error in HTK ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto for ei in hSet

I am running julius after changing the grammer and added few new sentences and in step 10 i am getting this error.

 AU fulllist
 Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
  ERROR [+2662]  FindProtoModel: no proto for ei in hSet
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe

How can i solve this or change the grammar what can I change? added fe sentenses already.


  • This error means that the HHEd tool fails to find the model for the phone 'ei' trained on the previous step. You need to make sure that this phone has enough training data from the step 1 or you can remove this phone from the phoneset, dictionary and all list altogether. If you are using Voxforge English acoustic model training tutorial, there should be no phone ei. Maybe you just need to remove it from your dictionary.