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How do I assign a JSONObject or JavaScriptObject to $wnd[x] in GWT?

I read some var from my HTML-Page using GWT Dictionary. The var looks like this:

var test = {
    "a" : "123",
    "b" : "jg34l",

Now I get via AJAX-Call new content for my JS var. At the moment I overwrite it like this:

public native void set(String key, String value) /*-{
    $wnd["test"][key] = value;

public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
    JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONParser.parseLenient(response.getText());

    for (String key : obj.keySet()) {
        JSONString val = (JSONString) obj.get(key);
        set(key, val.stringValue());

As you can see I get a JSON-String. Parse it. Cast it to JSONObject. Take every key-value-pair and use the JSNI-method to set the pairs.

There must be an easier way to do this?! I want simply to say: $wnd["test"] = myJsonObject

Please help me, 'cause it is performance-critical step (up to 1000 key-value-pairs).


  • You can try using JSO (should be also much faster than JSONObject)
    Something like this:

    public native void set(JavaScriptObject data) /*-{
       $wnd['test'] = data;
    public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
        JavascriptObject data = JsonUtils.safeEval(response.getText()).case();

    I haven't tried myself, so I can't say 100% if it would work.

    Instead of a Dictionary you can directly return a JavaScriptObject that supports hash like access:

    public class MyDictionary extends JavaScriptObject {
        public native String get(String name) /*-{
            return this[name];
    public native MyDictionary getData() /*-{
       return $wnd['test'];