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Rename and Override equals method in case class

I want to define a trait named Ext that renames the existing equals method to equalsByAttributes and defines a new equals method at the same time. The trait is used to extend case classes. My current solution looks somehow hacky:

case class A(id: Int) extends Ext

trait Ext { p: Product =>
    // new implementation
    override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match {
        case that: AnyRef => this eq that
        case _ => false

    // reimplementation of old equals implementation
    def equalsByAttributes(obj: Any) = obj match {
        case that: Product =>
            if (this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(that.getClass) || that.getClass.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass))
                p.productIterator.toList == that.productIterator.toList
        case _ => false

I wonder if there is a direct way to reference A's equals method in equalsByAttributes so that one can avoid the reimplementation of this method?

Edit 2012-07-12

Since there is a solution for referencing super implementations with super.METHOD_NAME I thought there must be a similar syntax such as overridden.METHOD_NAME for accessing specific implementations in the base class/trait that is going to be extended by the trait, so that my Ext trait would look like this:

trait Ext { p: Product =>
    override def equals(obj: Any) = ...

    def equalsByAttributes(obj: Any) = overridden.equals(obj)


  • The compiler will not generate equals (and hashCode, respectively) for case classes that already come with an equals, i.e., that inherit one or declare one themselves. Read more about this in this blog entry. AFAIK the only thing you can do is to implement structural equality by using productIterator provided by the Product trait that case classes extend, just as you did in equalsByAttributes.