It has been a long night chasing the problem within my in-app purchase trials yet I can not seem to solve this issue.My product identifier keeps returning as "invalid product identifier". Hopefully someone will point it out; (With current provisioning profile and appId I got push notifications working)
My App ID is generated (with no wildcards) - inApp purchase is enabled
My IAP(In-App Purchase) is added in "Manage your in-app purchases" and cleared for sale.
My IAP is added 24 hours ago ( maybe couple of hours more) and is in "Waiting For Review" state
My App itself is developer rejected > and it is state "ready to upload", in-app purchase is added to the App.
My phone is not jailbroken (at least not anymore, didn't worked either way)
I am working with a 3GS, 5.1 iOS.
My current provisioning profile is a "Developer Profile" not a "Distribution Profile". "Distribution Profile" is used only while uploading the Application Binary.
I am building for iOS 5.0 and build configuration is set to Debug.
I deleted the app like 100 times now, literally.
All details are set in iTunes Connect, including bank details.
I have created a test user, and I logged in from "Settings > Store" on my device.
My SKProductRequest
SKProductsRequest *productRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc]initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObject:@"com.my_site.my_app.my_product"]];
Any other information can be supplied.
I don't know how, and don't know will it remain valid. But here is the interesting solution which let me solve my problem.
According to the documentation, SKProductRequest should be;
SKProductsRequest *productRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc]initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObject:@"com.my_site.my_app.my_product"]];
Your product request should be like this;
but in my situation I just sent my product id, just like this and it WORKED;
SKProductsRequest *productRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc]initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObject:@"my_product"]];
While digging in, I found that for some people this notation also worked;
SKProductsRequest *productRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc]initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObjects:@"com.my_site.my_app","my_product",nil]];
There was nothing wrong with my setup, and the above listed things should be supplied, if anyone having problems with invalid product identifiers, I recommend them to visit Troy Brant's "Cause of Invalid Product ID's List", here . Also you can find his detailed walkthrough about implemeting and setting up IAP, here.
If you get desperate, I strongly recommend you to try both solutions, and they can save you from hours of frustration.