I was writing some build scripts for my project. I wanted a regex pattern which can match everything before a particular word. For eg: My script looks like this
Create Table ABC(
id int(50)
Drop table ABC
I want to match everything before --//@UNDO using nant regex task. How do I implement it??
I also want it to match everything in the file if --//@UNDO is not present in the file. I am not getting a way around
This is what I ended up doing
<loadfile file="${filePathAndName}" property="file.contents" />
<property name="fileHasUndo" value="${string::index-of(file.contents, '--//@UNDO')}" />
<when test="${fileHasUndo == '-1' }">
<echo file="${file}" append="true" message="${file.contents}" />
<regex pattern="(?'sql'[\s\S]*)--\/\/@UNDO[\s\S]*" input="${file.contents}" options="Multiline"/>
<echo file="${file}" append="true" message="${sql}" />
I found the index of --//@UNDO. And depending on its presence I am doing a choose when.. Solved the problem