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Windows Phone SDK for AR, location chat?

Hi I'm building a social networking / dating app where users can see who is around in Augmented Reality mode. To speed things up I need:

  1. Server / API to store users' locations
  2. AR lib or SDK to do client-side integration

I've done some research on this, there is GART library for WP7: Implementing augmented reality using GART and code samples from MSDN: Augmented Reality Motion Sample

I'm also considering using Quickblox SDK as they have done exactly what I need - AR Chat - but for iPhone - so I'm thinking of taking their WP7 Location Chat code sample QuickBlox Developers (API docs, code samples, SDK) and doing AR part myself with GART library or from scratch using MSDN samples.

Have looked into Wikitude Architect as well but they do it via web/Javascript overlay so not native which I don't really like.

Any suggestions regarding what's the best approach to implement AR Chat on WP7 - are there any better solutions?



    1. Server / API to store users' locations

    I think QuickBlox is good solution for this purpose. There is VK Radar sample application wich demonstrates that QuickBlox is good solution for AR based applications.

    1. AR lib or SDK to do client-side integration

    I recomende to use GART. This is great kit, it has 2 samples : SimpleAR & BingAR . I used them when develop simple application at one hackathon some times ago