I am using this class , https://github.com/TimCinel/ActionSheetPicker to choose current date in my application. The problem is that i would also like to choose a time (hour and minutes) with a picker like this. Can anyone help me customize the class or know any other class that does that? Thank you!
I never used, just saw the source code now. But from here:
_actionSheetPicker = [[ActionSheetDatePicker alloc] initWithTitle:@"" datePickerMode:UIDatePickerModeDate selectedDate:self.selectedDate target:self action:@selector(dateWasSelected:element:) origin:sender];
You need to define your datePickerMode:UIDatePickerModeDate
so you need to check what types the UIDatePickerMode
accepts. So:
typedef enum {
UIDatePickerModeTime, // Displays hour, minute, and optionally AM/PM designation depending on the locale setting (e.g. 6 | 53 | PM)
UIDatePickerModeDate, // Displays month, day, and year depending on the locale setting (e.g. November | 15 | 2007)
UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime, // Displays date, hour, minute, and optionally AM/PM designation depending on the locale setting (e.g. Wed Nov 15 | 6 | 53 | PM)
UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer // Displays hour and minute (e.g. 1 | 53)
} UIDatePickerMode;
Select the one you want.