This is my setup:
Whenever a change is made on the server (database and/or file change) this change needs to be synced to all air clients. (The server contacts all connected air clients one by one, to initiate the sync process)
Which platform?
The server application should be cross platform and easily installable, so my client can install the server app without any guidance (using install wizard preferably).
What comes to my mind is using a Java application for the server because I don't think an air application is suitable in this situation..(real threading, lack of dbms drivers, etc.).
What platform/language would be most suitable to communicate and exchange data with connected air clients in a local network?
This is my priority list: Cross-platform > easy install > well documented/big community > implemented quickly
Btw: initial sync would take about 0,5 GB to transfer, and an update afterwards about 10 MB.
Air and Java(backend code) Cross-platform Yes easy install Yes well documented/big community Yes implemented quickly Yes