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ActiveRecord builds instance of wrong class through a scope targeting an STI class

I would like to be able to call the build method on a scope that targets a certain class of model via its STI type, and have ActiveRecord build an instance of the correct class.

class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :discount, where(type: 'DiscountLineItem')

class DiscountLineItem < LineItem; end

> # Expect an instance of DiscountLineItem here
=> #<LineItem ...>

Here, I expected an instance of DiscountLineItem, not an instance of LineItem.


  • Even though ActiveRecord doesn't instantiate the object as the right class, it does set the type correctly. You basically have two ways around this:

    1) Create the object and then reload it from the database:

    item =
    item = LineItem.find(

    2) Use the STI class and build the object directly from it:

    With all that ActiveRecord can do, this does seem like kind of a senseless limitation and might not be too hard to change. Now you've piqued my interested :)


    This was recently added to Rails 4.0 with the following commit message:

    Allows you to do => "SubClass") as well as => "SubClass") or parent.build_child to initialize an STI subclass. Ensures that the class name is a valid class and that it is in the ancestors of the super class that the association is expecting.