For all I know, Batch does not have a command that gives the UNIX time. The closest one I can find is %time%
, which only displays the timestamp.
Is there a command, or set of commands in Batch with which you can get the UNIX time?
There's Richie Lawrence's batch library that has all those nifty handy scripts. The one you need is DateToSec (which uses GetDate and GetTime).
Here's a simplified script, that employs a little WMI:
@echo off
call :GetUnixTime UNIX_TIME
echo %UNIX_TIME% seconds have elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
goto :EOF
setlocal enableextensions
for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_utctime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do (
set %%x)
set /a z=(14-100%Month%%%100)/12, y=10000%Year%%%10000-z
set /a ut=y*365+y/4-y/100+y/400+(153*(100%Month%%%100+12*z-3)+2)/5+Day-719469
set /a ut=ut*86400+100%Hour%%%100*3600+100%Minute%%%100*60+100%Second%%%100
endlocal & set "%1=%ut%" & goto :EOF
The result will be returned into the first parameter passed to GetUnixTime
, i.e. %UNIX_TIME%
For example:
1341791426 seconds have elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
Hope it helps!