My Question: Why is my program freezing if i use "read only" const_accessors?
It seems to be locking up, from the API description it seems to be ok to have one accessors and multiple const_accessors, (writer, reader). Maybe somebody can tell me a different story.
The Goal i try to achieve is to use this concurrent hash map and make it available to 10-200 Threads so that they can lookup and add/delete information. If you have a better solution than the current one i' am using than you also welcome to post the alternatives.
tbb::size_t hashInitSize = 1200000;
concurrent_hash_map<long int,char*> hashmap(hashInitSize);
cout << hashmap.bucket_count() << std::endl;
long int l = 200;
long int c = 201;
concurrent_hash_map<long int,char*>::accessor o;
concurrent_hash_map<long int,char*>::const_accessor t;
concurrent_hash_map<long int,char*>::const_accessor h;
cout << "Trying to find 200 "<< hashmap.find(t,200) << std::endl;
o->second = "testother";
TBB Community Tutorial Guide Page 43 describes the concept of accessors
From the TBB reference manual:
An accessor acts as a smart pointer to a pair in a
. It holds an implicit lock on a pair until the instance is destroyed or methodrelease
is called on the accessor.
Accessors acquire a lock when they are used. Multiple accessors can exist at the same time. However, if a program uses multiple accessors concurrently and does not release the locks, it is likely to deadlock.
To avoid deadlock, release the lock on a hash map entry once you are done accessing it.