I have a a table like:
Id Word
--- ----
1 this
2 is
3 a
4 cat.
5 that
6 is
7 a
8 dog.
9 and
10 so
11 on
and need to add a new column for sentence number base on dot character:
Id Word S#
--- ---- --
1 this 1
2 is 1
3 a 1
4 cat. 1
5 that 2
6 is 2
7 a 2
8 dog. 2
9 and 3
10 so 3
11 on 3
what is the best solution from the performance aspect??
select table.id, table.word, count(*) + 1 as serial_number
from table left join
( select id, word from table where word like '%.' ) Z
on table.id > Z.id
group by table.id, table.word