I have a query I'm conditionally enhancing dependent on the presence or absence of count and offset parameters.
val retrieveCustomer: (Option[String], Option[Int], Option[Int]) => List[Customer] = { ( customerId : Option[String], count : Option[Int], offset : Option[Int] ) =>
val initialQ: Query[CustomerTable.type, Customer] = customerId.map( c => CustomerTable.where(_.id === c) ).getOrElse( CustomerTable.map { c => c } )
val qPlusOffset = offset.map ( offset => initialQ.drop(offset) ).getOrElse(initialQ)
val qoPlusLimit = count.map( count => qPlusOffset.take(count) ).getOrElse(qPlusOffset)
DBGlobal.db.withTransaction { qoPlusLimit.list }
I'm curious if there's a more concise way to write this compared to this approach.
Pray tell.
Here's a one liner.
val qFinal = initialQ.drop(offset.getOrElse(0)).take(count.getOrElse(Int.MaxValue))