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Cannot install Wordpress Multisite (Network) on a custom port

I'm running a website at http://localhost:8080/sitename. However, when I'm trying to create a network of sites with wordpress, I'm getting the following error under Tools-> Network:

ERROR: You cannot install a network of sites with your server address.
You cannot use port numbers such as :8080.

I tried to create a virtual host and a fake domain but I can't make it work. How can I solve that?


  • I found temporary solution:

    running "netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0.80" in CMD will show you wich service is using the port 80. If PID is 4 it means that port 80 is used by the system (propably IIS or web matrix if it is installed - this was my case). i changed the port IIS was using from IIS Manager and i also deactivated MsDepSvc service (Web Matrix) which was also using port 80. After that i reconfigured apache to work in port 80 and everything worked OK!