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Haskell: monadic takeWhile?

I have some functions written in C that I call from Haskell. These functions return IO (CInt). Sometimes I want to run all of the functions regardless of what any of them return, and this is easy. For sake of example code, this is the general idea of what's happening currently:

Prelude> let f x = print x >> return x
Prelude> mapM_ f [0..5]

I get my desired side effects, and I don't care about the results. But now I need to stop execution immediately after the first item that doesn't return my desired result. Let's say a return value of 4 or higher requires execution to stop - then what I want to do is this:

Prelude> takeWhile (<4) $ mapM f [0..5]

Which gives me this error:

    Couldn't match expected type `[b]' against inferred type `IO a'
    In the first argument of `mapM', namely `f'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely `mapM f ([0 .. 5])'
    In the expression: takeWhile (< 4) $ mapM f ([0 .. 5])

And that makes sense to me - the result is still contained in the IO monad, and I can't just compare two values contained in the IO monad. I know this is precisely the purpose of monads -- chaining results together and discarding operations when a certain condition is met -- but is there an easy way to "wrap up" the IO monad in this case to stop executing the chain upon a condition of my choosing, without writing an instance of MonadPlus?

Can I just "unlift" the values from f, for the purposes of the takeWhile?

Is this a solution where functors fit? Functors haven't "clicked" with me yet, but I sort of have the impression that this might be a good situation to use them.


@sth has the closest answer to what I want - in fact, that's almost exactly what I was going for, but I'd still like to see whether there is a standard solution that isn't explicitly recursive -- this is Haskell, after all! Looking back on how I worded my question, now I can see that I wasn't clear enough about my desired behavior.

The f function I used above for an example was merely an example. The real functions are written in C and used exclusively for their side effects. I can't use @Tom's suggestion of mapM_ f (takeWhile (<4) [0..5]) because I have no idea whether any input will really result in success or failure until executed.

I don't actually care about the returned list, either -- I just want to call the C functions until either the list is exhausted or the first C function returns a failure code.

In C-style pseudocode, my behavior would be:

do {
    result = function_with_side_effects(input_list[index++]);
} while (result == success && index < max_index);

So again, @sth's answer performs the exact behavior that I want, except that the results may (should?) be discarded. A dropWhileM_ function would be equivalent for my purposes. Why isn't there a function like that or takeWhileM_ in Control.Monad? I see that there was a similar discussion on a mailing list, but it appears that nothing has come of that.


  • You might define sequence as

    sequence xs = foldr (liftM2 (:)) (return []) xs

    The problem with liftM2 that you've been seeing is you don't have an opportunity to stop m2, which might be launchTheMissiles!

    liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
    liftM2 f m1 m2 = do
        x1 <- m1
        x2 <- m2
        return (f x1 x2)

    Using guard as in the following seems appealing:

    sequenceUntil p xs = foldr (myLiftM2 p (:)) (return []) xs
      where myLiftM2 p f m1 m2 = do
                x1 <- m1
                guard $ p x1
                x2 <- m2
                return (f x1 x2)

    The code above will fail in your application because the IO monad is not an instance of MonadPlus.

    So hold its hand a little more

    module Main where
    import Control.Monad
    printx :: Int -> IO Int
    printx x = do
        print x
        return x
    sequenceUntil :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m [a]
    sequenceUntil p xs = foldr (myLiftM2 (:) []) (return []) xs
      where myLiftM2 f z m1 m2 = do
                x1 <- m1
                if p x1 then do x2 <- m2
                                return $ f x1 x2
                        else return z
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      let as :: [IO Int]
          as = map printx [1..10]
      ys <- sequenceUntil (< 4) as
      print ys

    Even though as is a list of actions over 1 to 10, the output is


    Discarding the results is then trivial:

    sequenceUntil_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m ()
    sequenceUntil_ p xs = sequenceUntil p xs >> return ()
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      let as :: [IO Int]
          as = map printx [1..]
      sequenceUntil_ (< 4) as

    Note the use of [1..] that shows the new combinator maintains laziness.

    You may prefer spanM:

    spanM :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m ([a], [m a])
    spanM _ [] = return ([], [])
    spanM p (a:as) = do
      x <- a
      if p x then do (xs,bs) <- spanM p as
                     return (x:xs, bs)
             else return ([x], as)

    Note that it differs slightly from span in that it includes the failing element in the result list. The pair's second is the remaining actions. For example:

    *Main> (xs,bs) <- spanM (< 4) as
    *Main> xs  
    *Main> sequence bs

    Yet another alternative:

    untilM :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m ()
    untilM p (x:xs) = do
      y <- x
      unless (p y) $ untilM p xs

    Note that the sense of the predicate is complemented:

    *Main> untilM (>= 4) as