Ok, I have been trying to get my ios app working with the facebook-ios-sdk. Login goes pretty well until I try to make fb requests such as /me or /me/friends. I get a very unexplicable error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)
I am currently implementing the 4 main callback methods:
def request(request, didReceiveResponse:response)
puts "Got it now: #{response.URL.absoluteString}"
def request(request, didLoad:result)
puts "Another one: #{result.inspect}"
def request(request, didFailWithError:error)
puts "Error: #{error.localizedDescription}"
def request(request, didLoadRawResponse:data)
puts "Got raw: #{data}"
And the second one never gets called. Any help would be very appreciated.
Ok, so it turns out facebook sdk or any other idiotic piece of code wont give you the proper error message. I was sending params with a nil value when I needed to actually define the params I needed:
self.app_delegate.facebook.requestWithGraphPath("me/friends", andParams:{:fields => "name, picture, location"}, andDelegate:self)