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Order columns in a spreadsheet from a google docs form

you can't move columns in the table from side to side since doing so would disrupt the structure from the table. This is what google support and/or help pages say.

My problem is that if I create a form in google docs. And I accidentally create a question that I should have created earlier and then I move the question up the form. The column doesn't move in the spreadsheet.

So my form spreadsheet looks messed up now. Is there a way to fix this without typing all my questions(89) again. I don't have any results in the sheet yet. So I'm looking for a regenerate sheet option or something like that.


  • If you move the questions around in the Form, the order in which the questions and answers appear in the so called Form Responses sheet remain the same as the one in which the Form questions were originally created.

    You can, however, rearrange the questions_and_answers columns in the Form Responses sheet to match the order in which the questions appear in the Form (yes there will be a warning against doing it, but I have done it safely despite the warning) ... see my following blog post for an illustration ...