For my application I have a method in my Messages model which returns all the messages sent by the current user ($id). It returns information from 3 tables using 3 joins. As both the sender and the recipient come from the same 'users' table, I had to alias a these columns.
Method in my Messages model:
public function getSentMessages($id)
$messageModel = new self();
$select = $messageModel->select()
->from(array('m' => 'messages'),
array('', 'm.title', 'm.send',
' AS s_id', 's.firstname AS s_fn', 's.lastname AS s_ln', ' AS s_e',
' AS r_id', 'r.firstname AS r_fn', 'r.lastname AS r_ln', ' AS r_e'))
->join(array('s' => 'users'),
'm.from =')
->join(array('mu' => 'messages_users'),
' = mu.message_id')
->join(array('r' => 'users'),
' = mu.user_id')
->where('m.from = ?', $id);
$messages = $messageModel->fetchAll($select);
return $messages;
Strange things where happening: the resultrow was made out of all the columns I'd requested... but somehow all the columns (includuding the ones I didn't request) where added after. Like this:
id title send s_id s_firstname s_lastname s_email r_id r_firstname r_lastname r_email id username password firstname lastname email role id message_id user_id status id username password firstname lastname email role
I found out the SQL query returned by the Zend Framework is not how I expected it to be.. Here it is (cleaned up for better readability):
SELECT, m.title, m.send, AS s_id, s.firstname AS s_fn, s.lastname AS s_ln, AS s_e, AS r_id, r.firstname AS r_fn, r.lastname AS r_ln, AS r_e,
s. * , mu. * , r. *
FROM messages AS m
INNER JOIN users AS s ON m.from =
INNER JOIN messages_users AS mu ON = mu.message_id
INNER JOIN users AS r ON = mu.user_id
m.from = '12345'
Check these asterixes (*) at the end of my SELECT statement.. how did these get there? The Zend documentations tells me an asterix is only used when no columns are given..
Thanks for you help!
Join has three parameters:
Add a blank value @ end of each Join clause..
join(array('s' => 'users'),'m.from =','')