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Storing Payment Details and Subscription Details

I am trying to create a subscription based payment module for a project.

There are three plans

  1. Will cost 49$ but right now it will be free till we acquire users.
  2. 499$ which will have 15 days trial
  3. 799$ which will also have 15 days trial.

We are using Stripe for Payment Integration.

I have a users table with as follows

users(name, email, password, ....)

Now i want to store the following

  1. Define and Maintain Plans
  2. Which plan a user is subscribed to
  3. When a user is subscribed to a plan - details regarding the payments - upgrade - downgrade etc.

Can some one share how i can do it via Mysql tables and if i am missing any key information that i need to store ?


  • Here it is a little sketch of what i would do in this scenario :


    • Users

      id, nameemail, password, ...

    • MaintainPlans

      id, user_id, name, ...

    • Payments

      id, name, user_id, ...

    • Operations

      id, type, user_id, name, ...


    • The user_id field reference of course the id primary key of the user table
    • Each tables can,of course, contains more columns containing more information or relations(i have inserted only the essentials.
    • The Operations type field should contain an enumeration with the possible value (upgrade, downgrade), could be defined into and enumerator or into another table referenced (even better) ...