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Removing child root nodes in RABL

I'm trying to render a pretty simple data structure using RABL, but I can't figure out how to remove the child root nodes properly. Here are my two templates.

First, the collection index template.

collection @groups, :object_root => false

attributes :id, :name
child :files do
  extends 'groups/_file'

And next, the file partial template.

object @file

attributes :id

Those two templates end up producing the following JSON:

      "name":"Some Group",

I want to find a way to remove the root "file" key inside of the files collection. Something like:

      "name":"Some Group",


  • On latest versions of Rabl, you have to set this configuration if you want include_root_json to be false in all levels.

    Rabl.configure do |config|
      config.include_json_root = false
      config.include_child_root = false