I have an app that stores data in the keychain which will be periodically updated. Unsurprisingly, whenever I update the application, keychain once again requires the user's permission for that build. However, keychain does not permit modification (either removing items or overwriting the contents).
Obviously this is a big problem for keychain items that need to be periodically updated.
I have absolutely no issue editing/deleting/modifying keychain items with the same build number.
Any ideas?
[Edit: Additions removed]
See my own answer below.
The issue with this program is specific to the development machine. Since I was receiving the update in the /Applications/ folder and was testing the update in the build directory, keychain saw two applications in different locations trying to access the same secure credentials.I do not have a way to test if this theory is the actual cause since neither keychain or sandbox spat errors.
However, deleting the applications and their keys fixed the problem.