I am using the last version of dygraph on my web page, I updated it last week, and in the computer looks great, as well as in tablets but I am having some problems with smartphones. The graph does wired things when you click any where in the screen. As a quick solution I thought I could disable the zoom events or the click events while I have time to look at it and find a better solution.
I have done a research but everything I have found is this:
Where the solution is: See the interaction demo, I have looked for it but I don't find anything!
Any suggestions?? anything to disable the zoom or click events or better option for a quick solution would work!!
Thank you very much!!
On that thread, Robert is suggesting that you copy the options for the "No interaction model" chart from http://dygraphs.com/tests/interaction.html.
There's currently some jankiness in the way that dygraphs handles touch interfaces. To disable it, you could try putting this code before you instantiate your dygraph:
Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchend = Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchmove = Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchstart = function() {};