Each Log4perl message starts with a new line:
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("log");
[2012/07/06 13:12:27] INFO log - start:
[2012/07/06 13:12:27] INFO log - 10
[2012/07/06 13:12:27] INFO log - 20
[2012/07/06 13:12:27] INFO log - 30
How can I get next messages on the same line and without prefix:
[2012/07/06 13:12:27] INFO log - start: 10 20 30
Any ideas?
I tried to make progress bar for my program. But as a result I need this progress bar only on screen, not at logs.
In this way I did so:
printf("progress: ");
Thank you for your answers!
If you need a progress bar there is Term::ProgressBar in cpan