Im new to IOS programming but doing a bit for practice. I've created this uisplit view fixed my cells up etc...etc... but what im trying to do is drill down to a my second uitable of the splitview. Althought i think i did everything correctly...when i click the cell to go to the next tableview the Uitableview loads and also gives me a back button but the cells is blank as if my array code didnt populate it im trying my best not to use interface builder and do it all programmatically.
This is an uploaded copy of my project if anyone wants to look at it. Thanks
The copy of the project at that link doesn't contain any code in SecondView
that would display any cells but I think your bigger problem is that you create two different SecondView
objects. One of them is created in the app delegate and given the species
data, while the other is created when a cell is tapped in LeftViewController
and pushed.
Storing instance information in one object of a particular type doesn't make it available to other objects just because they're the same type.