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androidin-app-purchasein-app-billingaidl is never created in gen folder of the application?

I have been working on an android application in which I have to integrate In-app billing. I am following the procedure given on the following link but it is not paying off.

On this link there is a section named Adding AIDL file to your project, When I follow the steps given in the section, I do not find any "" file in the "gen" folder of the project. What can be the issue? Has anybody faced this issue..? Any help is regarding the issue is appreciated.


  • Well nothing worked for me like Cleaning and rebuilding project time and again....However creating a new project from the existing project solved the issue. In the new project I was able to add aidl file and then a corresponding java file was created in the gen folder. It might not be the best solution butt only this is the only thing that worked for me after 2 to 3 days of searching and mindstorming, so if someone has a better solution please do share...:-)